Flying above this beautiful country, I look down at the earth. The great mother, still there, still mothering us all, despite our reckless obliviousness.
I pledge allegiance to her. It is to her that we owe our gratitude and our respect. Without the gifts of air and water, sunshine and soil, bird and bee, we would all be nothing. And I’m not speaking figuratively here.
No matter our politics, our race, our gender, how much or how little money we have - we are all utterly reliant on the earth. This ... more
Boys in redwood roots, Big Basin, September 2015
This is the first year I have taken Elan with me to Yom Kippur day services by choice. I decided he's old enough to come with me, and for me to still be able to pay attention and get something out of the service. He wore shorts and crocs, and we went (him by scooter, me walking) to the "super-reform" service held outdoors alongside the playground at the JCC. But even during the times that he took a break from listening by swinging ... more
Kauai, February 2015
When a day gets sloggy, or I've got too much to do, or I'm stressed, my kids are used to me saying, "I want to go to Hawaii."
It's also my go-to line whenever the whining gets a little much.
Them: "I wanna have some [INSERT NAME OF SUGARY TREAT HERE]. I really really really want it!"
Me: "I want to go to Hawaii."
Me: "I want to go to Hawaii."
And ... more
Emry and the dinos, April 2013
Last month, Emry turned two and a half.
This child melts me.
I have written reams in my head about Emry, but when it comes to actually putting words down, I tend to skip over most of it.
When Elan was a baby and then a toddler, I felt so immersed in the thick of it - the exhaustion, the cluelessness, the fuss, oh, the never-ending fuss. I had to write about it to release some of the frustration and to help me find humor in the ... more
Sunlight on oxalis, redwood forest, November 2012
Thanksgiving dinner tasted great. But after the extended family’s annual walk up to the park/football game (greatly anticipated by my football-obsessed older child this year), we sat down to eat dessert and I couldn't eat it. I could not eat dessert. You got that, right? Because it is a highly unusual occurrence in these parts.
Immediately I remembered last Thanksgiving, and the epic 24 hours of puking that followed as a horrendous stomach virus (not food poisoning) took down four of the six ... more