Friday was Elan's first haircut, and all weekend I kept musing over the delightful little post that I was going to write about the experience. But Friday was also his last poop, and delightful is not exactly the word that leaps to mind when describing life with a constipated two-year-old. Today, on our nap-walk, Elan tried desperately to get out of napping. The game went something like this: see if you can actually get smoke to blow out of Mama's ears by screaming and shouting throughout the peaceful, restful, sleep-inducing walk. He started off simply: "NO!" Banging on stroller rain cover ensued. Then, "YOU WANNA SEE THE NUMBERS!" (house numbers that is). When, after fifteen minutes of this had passed with me controlling my urge to ram the stroller into every substantial tree trunk I passed, he switched strategies to try to evoke my pity: "YOU WANT MORE BOTTLE. YOU WANT MORE BOTTLE," he chant-whined over and over.After a half hour, steam truly was escaping from under my hood, a combination of unreasonably intense anger + steady drizzle of rain. But luckily, my incorrigible toddler could not see the effects of his ... more
I am not a big coffee drinker. I don't even drink a cup a day, and if I am under-the-weather, I'll drink black tea for days on end. But I do love coffee. Especially with lots of cream and sugar (I am a total non-purist, I know). For me, coffee has always been fuel for writing. Something about that particular brand of caffeinated energy rush starts my fingers typing, even before my brain recognizes that it's fully awake. These days, I am just as liable to use the black stuff as ... more
Yesterday we spent a lovely Sunday afternoon hanging out at Mikhail's cousin's house. Many family members were gathered, but all of us shrank in importance beside Elan's new discovery: the older cousin.Saia is actually Elan's second cousin, or first cousin twice removed, or some such thing, but we are all just saying "cousin" cause it is way easier. She is four and a half and, with a sister a few months younger than Elan, she is a pro at being the big sis. She quickly developed an interest in ... more
Elan has such beautiful hair (even according to people besides his parents and other besotted relatives). It's long, and wavy-curly, and he's got this awesome two-toned blond on the top and brown at the roots look that totally works because you know it's au-natural. But his hair is wild too. The top layer is dry and damaged. My husband and I wash it and work in leave-in conditioner in the bath, but if we miss a few days, the delicate little tangles turn into dreadlocks and then we have a ... more
Elan's current obsession is numbers. I bought him some foam numbers, the kind that stick to the wall of the shower. He spends hours arranging and rearranging them, in and out of the bath, and they've even taken on their own personalities for him.A recent monologue:"Okay, evewybody, wet's go downstairs." (flinging numbers down the stairs)"Your turn, seven." (seven goes flying)"Where's eight? Wet's find eight." (eight discovered on bathroom floor, catapulted down stairs)Later, after everyone is congregated downstairs in the living room:"You can make fifteen." (he puts the one and three together proudly)"Wet's ... more
A few months ago, sometime after our move and before his second birthday, Elan stopped napping regularly. At first, I was confused: why aren't you asleep yet? Then disbelieving: no really, you mean you're not going to sleep at all? Then the panic set in: you're going to be cranky and exhausted and I'm going to have to deal with it all day!! Finally came the resignation: fine, you can sleep or not sleep, but you're having "quiet time" in your crib no matter what.This went on for months. Some weeks, ... more
= Lots of Laundry.Everytime Elan steps out the door these days, I have to strip him down before I can let him back inside. This morning, we walked to Habitot, the hands-on tot "museum" in downtown Berkeley. I opened the door, and he immediately gravitated toward the gigantic puddle that takes up residence outside our carport in every rainstorm. The puddle was inviting, mama was still loading up the stroller... Next thing I knew, he was stomping in earnest. I had one of those momentary mommy snaps, where you get ... more