Friday was Elan’s first haircut, and all weekend I kept musing over the delightful little post that I was going to write about the experience. But Friday was also his last poop, and delightful is not exactly the word that leaps to mind when describing life with a constipated two-year-old. Today, on our nap-walk, Elan tried desperately to get out of napping. The game went something like this: see if you can actually get smoke to blow out of Mama’s ears by screaming and shouting throughout the peaceful, restful, sleep-inducing walk. He started off simply: “NO!” Banging on stroller rain cover ensued. Then, “YOU WANNA SEE THE NUMBERS!” (house numbers that is). When, after fifteen minutes of this had passed with me controlling my urge to ram the stroller into every substantial tree trunk I passed, he switched strategies to try to evoke my pity: “YOU WANT MORE BOTTLE. YOU WANT MORE BOTTLE,” he chant-whined over and over.