Farmer’s Market, Seattle
Last year around this time I had thoughts of doing Apartment Therapy’s Spring Cure, a kind of group support structure for cleaning/organizing/purging/redecorating your space. Except I was suffering through my never-ending first trimester, so I bought the book and that’s as far as I got. (In fact, just thinking about that book brings back the nauseous feel that I can still remember so clearly from all the months it sat on my bedside table, mocking my energy-less, dry-heaving state.)
But this spring I am making up for it with a serious bout of spring cleaning, brought on by beautiful sunny weather – all that bright light really showed me how dirty my house was! It feels good to be sorting, throwing things away, putting things away, and cleaning. I am thinking of this as making space for new possibilities, new opportunities, and – yes – possibly even new stuff.